Botox injections in East Paris

Médecine Esthétique Pr Meningaud

Why Botox injections?

For a long time now, the aim has not been to achieve paralysis, and thus an expressionless face. The aim is to counteract an effect of ageing which tends to increase the resting tone of muscles. As we age, we lose muscle fibers, and therefore strength. Yet resting tone increases for most muscles. In short, as we age, we tense up, contract and stiffen.

Botox injections in East Paris

Professor Meningaud at Henri-Mondor

How to use Botox?

The doses used have therefore become lower and modulated in relation to this objective. On the other hand, many more muscles are now treated. This type of treatment offers long-term benefits, i.e. beyond the product’s pharmacological effect. The aim is to restore muscular balance. It takes several years to achieve this goal. But with a very strict protocol, we can see that the doses required become lower and lower. It is sometimes possible to do without botulinum toxin.

Botox over time

Long-term treatments have not shown any deleterious effect, but treatment in fits and starts with excessively large, poorly distributed doses will, on the contrary, lead to the need to increase doses, or even to the product’s ineffectiveness. The treatment protocol must be well mastered and explained to the patient to ensure long-term results that are natural and part of a genuine anti-ageing approach. Official products are extremely safe.