Professor Jean-Paul Meningaud
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
My professional activity focuses on General Plastic Surgery, Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery, Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery.
My time is divided between care, teaching, research and expertise. Jean-Paul Meningaud has been a Professor at the University of Paris12 since 2009, Head of the Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at Henri Mondor University Hospital since 2012, and a former intern at Paris Hospitals and Head of Clinic at the Salpêtrière Hospital.
Judicial expert before the Paris Court of Appeal since 2006 and accredited by the French Supreme Court since 2012. A face specialist, I have been involved in 7 face transplants since 2007. I was honoured to be admitted to the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie in 2018, then to become a full member.
Pr Meningaud at Paris Est Créteil
Professional background and qualifications
Main qualifications :
- Doctorate in Medicine 1997
- DES in general surgery 1997
- DESC in maxillofacial surgery 1998
- DU in microsurgery
- European Board of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2002
- Doctorate in Science 2002
- Habilitation to supervise research 2007
- Brevet d’Aptitude en Management Hospitalier awarded by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris 2015
Professional background :
- Former intern at Paris Hospitals
- Former Senior Registrar at CHU Pitié Salpêtrière
- Former Head of Department, CHI de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges
- University Professor, Paris 12
- Head of the Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery Department and surgical manager of the Outpatient Surgery Unit at Henri Mondor University Hospital
- Past President of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo Facial Surgery (2018-2020)
AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil
Professor Jean-Paul Meningaud
Professor Meningaud's work and publications
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Professor Meningaud's anti-aging program
Professor Meningaud’s anti-aging program:
Immunity, Energy, Longevity, Appearance, scientifically validated techniques.
This book is aimed at those who want to regain control of their bodies in a global approach that addresses longevity, beautification and rejuvenation. Too often, these three aspects are treated separately, even though they influence each other. Taking them into account together creates an overall effect that is greater than the sum of the expected effects. This is what we call synergy.
Face transplants
The first face transplant took place in 2005.
Since then, it has fascinated as much as it has frightened. Professor Méningaud, who has already performed several face transplants in France, and Philippe Pirnay, review the current state of knowledge of this practice.
Over and above the medical and historical aspects, they address the questions (including ethical ones) that we all might ask ourselves: what exactly is transplanted in a face transplant?
Who is the donor, and what about his or her dignity? Who can be “reconstructed”?
Pr Meningaud's publications
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
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